We are the leading firm in Uruguay in the incorporation of companies in Uruguay.
Since 1953, faithful to the highest standards of ethics and professionalism in legal and corporate services.
Reliable professionals with wide experience in legal, accounting, tax and notarial areas.
logo 70años hzt

More than


companies incorporated
in Uruguay

More than


By Laws adjustments

More than


Communications of Beneficial owners to the Central bank of Uruguay

We provide complete advice in the incorporation of companies in Uruguay, in various business areas

We support our clients throughout the process of opening an account for their company or themselves in Uruguay or other jurisdictions.

Planning is the best way to protect your assets. Determining the legal form or structure that you will use to acquire, own and transfer assets is part of Estate Planning.

We have solid experience providing tax advice and offering our clients with alternatives and recommendations for their specific situation.

We advise on migrations, international mobility of executives and investments

company registration services in Uruguay and offshore

company registration services in Uruguay and offshore

We provide complete advice in the incorporation of companies in Uruguay, in various business areas

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Bank Account Opening

Bank Account Opening

We support our clients throughout the process of opening an account for their company or themselves in Uruguay or other jurisdictions.

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Estate Planning

Estate Planning

Planning is the best way to protect your assets. Determining the legal form or structure that you will use to acquire, own and transfer assets is part of Estate Planning.

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Tax Advice

Tax Advice

We have solid experience providing tax advice and offering our clients with alternatives and recommendations for their specific situation.

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Residences in Uruguay and Relocation Service for Foreigners

Residences in Uruguay and Relocation Service for Foreigners

We advise on migrations, international mobility of executives and investments

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We have incorporated all the state limited companies that are under the Public Private Participation regime.
We have completed the first company re domiciliation to Uruguay.
Tax Residency in Uruguay: Investment Opportunities and Tax Planning
Relocation Services Team In the index that the prestigious publication The Economist has been doing since 2006, Uruguay is positioned...
Diseño sin título-6
When are Audit or Limited Review Reports Necessary?
Cr. Dardo Pérez Outsourcing Department Manager Accounting and Taxes   In recent times, the question related to when companies in...
Happy Holidays!!!
  We thank our clients for having been part of our first 70 years of history, for trusting us and...
Diseño sin título (8)
It moves, it moves, it plays, it plays… New provisions for Sports Public Limited Companies.
Corporate Department After 22 years, the second period began for Sports Joint Stock Companies (“SAD”), which were created in order...
Tax Residency in Uruguay: Investment Opportunities and Tax Planning
Relocation Services Team In the index that the prestigious publication The Economist has been doing since 2006, Uruguay is positioned...
Diseño sin título-6
When are Audit or Limited Review Reports Necessary?
Cr. Dardo Pérez Outsourcing Department Manager Accounting and Taxes   In recent times, the question related to when companies in...
Happy Holidays!!!
  We thank our clients for having been part of our first 70 years of history, for trusting us and...

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Plaza Independencia 808 11th Floor