Company registration services in Uruguay

We provide complete advice at the beginning of the company's social life, in the different business areas

We strive to achieve a complete understanding of the businesses our clients develop to assist them in incorporating their company.

Our experience both in Uruguay and internationally allows us to provide complete and efficient advice on business structuring, which includes legal assistance to national and foreign investors regarding the best legal vehicle to start and develop businesses in Uruguay.

We offer personalized treatment and manage from the incorporation of the company, the corporate records and minutes, the registration procedures, licenses and obtaining the proper permits from state and municipal institutions to start operations in Uruguay.

We advise on the constitution of special regimes and free zones, on capitalization and share management, the constitution of branches of foreign companies and everything related to the legal structure of companies.

Our comprehensive service includes everything related to the legal, financial, tax and accounting perspective of your company.

We accompany our clients throughout the process of opening an account in the name of their company or individual in Uruguay or other jurisdictions.
We provide advice on the development and evaluation of the business model, as well as the promotion of the investment project before the Free Zones Directorate. The services provided include notarial certifications, change of address to the Free Zone, new declaration of shareholders and communication to the Central Bank of Uruguay (BCU).
Uruguay is a privileged country for the registration of companies exempt from corporate income taxes and offers attractive free trade zones for entrepreneurs willing to manufacture products and then export them to Brazil and other large South American markets.

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Plaza Independencia 808 11th Floor